Our Funding Process
The Scaife Family Foundation’s areas of focus include the following:
- Issues concerning Women's & Children’s Health, Safety, and Welfare.
- The Beneficial Interaction between Humans and Animals and Animal Welfare.
- Early Intervention and Addiction Prevention.
All grant requests forwarded to the Scaife Family Foundation should align with at least one of these focus areas.
The following documents are required and should be included in a complete proposal package:
- A proposal letter on the submitting organization’s letterhead detailing the purpose and intent of the grant. The proposal letter should be dated and signed by an authorized representative, President, or Board Member. The letter should clearly indicate if an organization is requesting operating or program support. Also, a brief history of the organization and a description of the organization’s Mission Statement. The proposal letter should clearly state the requested funding amount and how the requested grant funds would be spent.
- The submitting organization’s most current Designation and Certification of 501C3 status by the Internal Revenue Service.
- A copy of the submitting organization’s current total operating budget and, if applicable, a detailed program budget.
- A copy of the submitting organization’s most recently filed Internal Revenue Service Form-990. This copy should be signed by an officer of the organization or its authorized representative.
- A full listing of the submitting organization’s current Board of Directors.
Please also include the latest complete Independent Audited Financial Statement and Annual Report. If such reports are not available, please indicate if and when these reports will be made available.
Complete proposal packages received prior to the below-indicated submission cutoff dates will receive priority processing. A proposal with missing or incomplete documentation may be delayed, and additional documentation may be requested. Letters of Intent, proposals for event sponsorship or endorsements, and funding requests for individuals are not processed.
Grant proposal submission cutoff dates are:
- The first day of February for the Annual Spring Board Meeting
- The first day of August for the Regular Fall Board Meeting
Grant proposals may be submitted via US mail to:
Scaife Family Foundation,
777 S. Flagler Dr., Suite 909 East Tower, West Palm Beach, FL 33401,
electronically to
[email protected].
It is encouraged that any organization seeking a grant from The Scaife Family Foundation review our website, www.scaifefamily.org, for updated submission instructions and all grant proposal requirements.